Friday, November 18, 2022

My Alpha and Omega Twitter Experience

So, I never really did get into Twitter, I don't think I could ever actually communicaate anything of importance in what was it, 22 characters? Anyways, Twitter is a flaming dumpster right now and I thought it would be a good time to archive all my tweets here for posterity.There are only 9. I did at one time click on some people who I thought might be funny to follow, but then I never logged in, sent all my email notices to spam and really only noticed anything twit related when it was embedded in some other article/posting. Twitter March 2009 - November 2022 NB. About that last tweet to the JustStop Oil idiots....After seeing them glue themselves or throw something yet again to a piece of ART for no apparent reason I thought maybe I'd vent because ...goddamn are they stupid or what? Want to make capitalists stop fucking over everything, maybe go throw some paint on the corporate offices (or officers) of those who are responsible. What did poor Vincent ever do to deserve this? Or maybe the kida are just confused because the art is OIL paintings??? Then again, perhaps I got a goose from the impending downfall of Twitter .

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