Friday, July 09, 2010

La Mode d'Hommes

Here's a taste of the latest fashion trends on display in Montreux yesterday. It all started with this guy:

I, for one, thought his attire was...striking! Then I began to look around...

The lonnnng plaid bermuda short is BACK!

Surf's up DUDES!

Retro Hippy is also very popular this summer.

The well known and never to be forgotten "Roberto Benigni Look" continues to be a fashion fixture on the continent.

And yes, folks...CURLZ are back!

The younger set is sporting matching hats and medallions worn backwards:

But MaxStyle?



Danica-Dragonfly said...

LOVE guy #1 ... love.him.

...and The Max is a handsome boy ...

Amethyst Anne said...

OMG!! THAT's where Elvis went!!! I love his style. We too are the subject of the bermuda short here..*eye roll* including ones for women. Ugh!
I'm with D- The Max is a handsome boy.