Thursday, September 09, 2010

Ikea Cats
Yeah, so Assbook and Twatter are fouling up the interwebs with banality, but there can never be too many kittehs! Here's a brand new ad for Ikea.

Ikea Happy Inside Cats
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

Via imjustcreative


Danica-Dragonfly said...



Amethyst Anne said...

HA!! I love Ikea ads and this is exactly what I imagine them to be like in an Ikea store.

The Real Me said...

Yay For Kitties! I swear I looked here just the other week and suddenly there are a bunch of new fantastical posts that I missed! What a great way to avoid all my Monday work!

kathryn said...

Oh, so lovely! I wish they played that ad here in the States.

IKEA is very good with their advertising, I must say. Better than 90% of the others out there...

Anonymous said...

i just saw more chairs i wanted than i actually have room for.